The Real Differences in Piano Player’s Brains


The little bolts of electricity running through their neurons as they play are not connected the same way as concert goers’. Piano players brains even work differently than the way musicians’ are wired. And this is all because of the instrument they are playing. The piano makes them and their brains unique.

You’re a musician. You know in your heart that your brain works differently than everybody else, but can’t exactly put your finger on why. LifeHack has a great article outlining some of the brain differences in those who play an instrument – specifically, piano players.

Among examples listed are:

  • Piano players are more balanced
  • Piano players are more logical multitaskers

And my personal favorite:

  • Piano players are well practised at conversing (though not in a language we are used to using everyday)

Check out the article here, and let us know how playing an instrument has changed your brain!

The Real Differences in Piano Player’s Brains

One thought on “The Real Differences in Piano Player’s Brains

  • January 8, 2020 at 2:15 pm

    I started playing my favorite “instrument” as a pre-teen. From Day One, I was able to “emote” with Chopin, Chopin and mostly Chopin. Later, my instrument played Beethoven, Mozart, Paganini and all the inspiring composers of the Baroque and Classical eras. In college, my instrument began to play jazz , the Beatles and opera. Have I forgotten anything? Bach’s Passions? Ah…Yes, you’ve probably guessed. My instrument is the record player–first a portable, then a cabinet, finally a hi-fi component. As an almost-78-year-old music lover, my brain is active and my heart flourishes.


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