Student tickets for $10

Segerstrom Concert Hall in Costa Mesa, home of Pacific Symphony

Did you know that if you are a student you can attend most Pacific Symphony concerts for less than the price of a movie? These are not Rush tickets. You’ll have them before you arrive.

Join the orchestra’s Student Rewards program and get access to $10 tickets. Non-student friends and family can come along for just $20.

Sign up for the email newsletter and 4-6 days before each concert for which Student Rewards tickets are available (usually, every Classical, Casual Connections and Organ series concert; others based on availability), you’ll receive instructions on how to buy $10 tickets for the event. Go here to sign up for the newsletter.

There’s also a discounted subscription program for students who would like to go a little more often. Call (714) 755-5799 for more details on that.

Here’s a list of Pacific Symphony’s upcoming concerts.

Student tickets for $10

2 thoughts on “Student tickets for $10

  • February 1, 2018 at 1:40 pm

    My daughter is a freshman in Hugh school. Would she qualify for this program?


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